Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rev3 Costa Rica 2011

 Rev3 hosts it's first 70.3 distance Triathalon in Playa Conchal. 

After 16 years of living on the sunnier side of the hemisphere I've come to respect the summer weather in Costa Rica. Much can be learned from the locals: (a) always stand in the shade and (b) when the sun hits it's apex it's time to seek out the hammock for a quick siesta. Heaven forbid any serious physical activity. Well... this past week my eyes were opened to a brave breed that willfully embrace pain and those staggering triathlon distances.
Two of those few athletes who dare stand at the start line of a Rev3 event, stayed with us here at Villas Las Ventanas:

Michael Brown, a remarkable young man who just happens to be married to my wonderful niece Jacqueline.  Made the trip from Canada with their amazing new baby MacKinley to soak up some warm weather and for Mike an opportunity to kick start his 2011 triathlon season. He participated in the 70.3 triathlon and I can proudly say he placed 25th of the 120 competitors. With every grueling lap Mike made, I elbowed the guy next to me and proudly said : yea... he's family. Congrats Mike we're all very proud of you.

Gayle, a good friend of mine forever has taken her personal success story to another level by now participating in triathlons - her first one was last July and this past weekend she took the plunge from the safety of a pool to do open-water swims in the balmy Pacific.  Her inspiration touches everyone she meets. The only Canadian to participate this year's Sprint event, I hope that encourages more gals from the North to unthaw and participate in next year's event. Gayle did the Sprint race which was a 3/4km swim, 20km bike and a 5km run.  After the race she was asked 'So how do you feel?'  Gayle's reply 'I'm fine, not sure if I'll do it again that bike course was BRUTAL!'  
But I know she'll be there right there at the start line next year.

Inspired? Damn right I am, but right now the sun is headed to it's noon position and I'm thinking... where's my hammock? 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's all about Great People...

I distinctly remember standing on bare ground trying to visualize 20 condos with an awesome pool surrounded by ridiculously thick tropical vegetation, the vision to me was quite clear... some people just shook their heads and questioned if I've been in the sun too long. But there were many good friends who supported me in the early stages when I was still kicking dirt, scratching my head and rambling on about color schemes, palm trees and relocating my hammock poolside. What really completed this dream project was the ever-broadening circle of friends that we have had the pleasure of seeing every year. Rosa and I are proud that Villas Las Ventanas has become an Oasis full of wonderful enlightened people who make the magic of the gold coast come alive. 
Thank you all, and let this magic continue.

Throughout our blogs you find them seasoned with the odd Fun Fact, here's out first one:
Fun Fact #1: 
Ok, so now you’re navigating around potholes in your rental car with the A/C cranked to “meat locker cold", you’re probably heading back to Las Ventanas from a memorable day spent on the beach, touring a national park, surfing, zip lining… whatever the amazing adventure was. At some point on the road, you’ll pass thru a small pueblo with a soccer game in progress. Whoa…. Now this would be your cue to pull over, order an ice cold one from the cantina and join the crowd in cheering these guys on. In Costa Rica the national sport is played with intensity on all levels and the quality of soccer in the small rural towns is very exciting to watch.
Along your way, give these unscheduled stops a chance. They just, might be the most memorable.